Lizard & The Monkey
Posted by Sanjee Perera on December 15, 2005 at 19:31:22

A lizard is crawling through the jungle late one afternoon when he stops and sniffs the air, "Mmmmmm" says the lizard "that smells like pot burning" He looks skyward and there in a tree above him is a monkey smoking a reefer.
"Hey " says the lizard
"Hey "replies the monkey
"What are you doing" says the lizard
"Oh I'm smoking some pot ,wanna join me?" says the monkey,
"Sure "replies the lizard.
So the lizard climbs up onto the branch and together the monkey and he share the joint.
After a while the lizard looks at the monkey and exclaims..
"Hell my mouth is sooo dry I'm gonna get a drink of water but I'll be back so save me some of the joint"
"Nooo worries says the monkey"
The lizard jumps down and heads to a nearby waterhole,he gets lost ,trips over and is falling about laughing by the time he reaches the waterhole.
From the reeds a crocodile is watching...the croc slithers in and up to where the lizard is laughing and chatting to himself...
"Hey" says the croc... the lizard, startled, nearly jumps out of his skin.
"What have you been up to?" inquires the croc
The lizard recovering from his fright replies
"Oh I've been up that tree over there smoking pot with the monkey"
"Cool.. I wouldn't mind a puff,think I'll go over and pay him a visit"
So the croc slithers off through the jungle to the base of the tree,where the monkey sits puffing away.
"Hey " says the croc looking up at the monkey,
the monkey looks down midway through a puff, sees the croc and says

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