Amnesty International has recently issued a seven-page report
entitled "Sri Lanka: The Human Rights Commission Bill." A summary
of the report follows below. Those interested in obtaining a copy of
the report should contact the Amnesty International section in their
country; those in the U.S. should contact Amnesty International USA,
322 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10001; Attn: Publications.
A summary of the report follows:
The report sets out Amnesty International's observations on a bill
for the establishment of a national Human Rights Commission before
parliament in Sri Lanka.
Amnesty International welcomes the establishment of a Human Rights
Commission in principle but underlines that its creation, although
important, can never replace, nor should it in any way diminish, the
safeguards inherent in comprehensive and effective legal structures
enforced by an independent, impartial and adequately resourced and
accessible judiciary. Amnesty International also believes that such
an initiative should be accompanied by a determined government policy
aimed at holding the perpetrators of human rights violations fully
accountable, thereby ensuring that those who violate human rights
cannot do so with impunity.
In Sri Lanka, the creation of a Human Rights Commission should go
hand in hand with a thorough review of existing security measures and
legal remedies such as fundamental rights and habeas corpus petitions
in order to make these more effective instruments of human rights
The document lists a number of concerns about several provisions in
the bill which in Amnesty International's view could reduce the
Commission's potential effectiveness. Amnesty International is
distributing this document widely, including to all members of
parliament, thereby hoping to assist discussions - particularly among
those professionally or otherwise involved with human rights
protection - about this important initiative to strengthen protection
of human rights in the country.