Kiri Bath (Milk Rice)
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Malini on January 03, 1997

Kiri Bath

This is a popular breakfast item in Sri Lanka. A must in most
auspicious occasions.


4 cups of white rice
Cream of 1 coconut (or one 13 oz can)
salt to taste


Clean and wash the rice. Put the rice in a pan, stick in the
index finger on surface of rice and fill water upto slightly above
the 2nd joint of the index finger. Cover and cook the the rice
under low heat.

When the rice is almost done, mix the salt with the coconut
milk and add to the rice stir and cook for a few more minutes.

Serve the hot rice on to a platter and flatten it using flat spoon
or spatula. Cut it into squares and serve with Seeni sambol,
cutta sambol or juggery.

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