fish curry
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Posted by nayanadevi on August 26, 19107 at 17:46:00:

2 long green chillis thinly sliced on angle
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp black mustard seeds
2 garlic cloves finely chopped
1 dessertspoons minced ginger
1 brown onions finely chopped
4 plum tomatoes skinned & diced
1 tins of coconut milk
12 curry leaves
Vegetable oil
4x200g portions of white fish

1 handful of chopped coriander
Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the mustard seed & cumin seed and stir until it starts to pop, then add the onion, garlic & ginger and sweat for about 5 minutes.
Add the chilli & curry leaves and cook for a further 5 minutes then add the coconut milk, fish stock & salt and bring to the boil then simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool.
Refrigerate until ready to use.
Fry your fish skin side down in a fry pan until golden brown, then turn over and cook for about 2 minutes then add to the curry sauce, cook for a further 3-4 minutes, add the coriander to the sauce and serve.

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