Green Peas and Liver Curry
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Posted by Anon on September 08, 19102 at 11:49:55


1 tin green peas
4 oz liver
Handful of Cashew nuts (seperated in halves)
2 oz ghee
4 bombay onions
10 red onions
4 oz thick coconut milk
1/2 tsp pepper
green chillies
cardamon (powder)
salt to taste


wash and boil the liver. Cut it into small pieces. Then chop and add the bombay onions, green chillies, pepper, cinnamon, cardamon, tumeric, rampe and salt to the liver. Mix well and lay aside.

Pour ghee into a pan and add the chopped red onions. Temper until golden brown.

Now add the liver mix. Let it cook for about 2 minutes.
Then add the milk and cashew nuts and bring it to a boil until the bombay onions are cooked.

Finally add the green peas and mix gently. cook for a few more minutes and it's ready to serve. Print this recipe       Email this recipe

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